We are excited to welcome vendors to place their products in The Rest Stop Boutique. Our desire is to have vendors whose products convey the essence of soul-care, self-care, and play.
There are benefits in having your products inside
The Rest Stop Boutique!
You have a location that you can tell others about.
You do NOT have to be present on the scene.
No getting stuck in long term contracts.
We will provide barcodes labels for your products.
We will promote the boutique and host special events that welcome traffic to the space.
We provide convenient avenues to collect your revenue!
All vendors invest a monthly fee of $100/month (with a $50 one-time setup fee).
The fee secures space on our shelves each month for
the duration of the 6-month contract.
All vendors must live in the state of North Carolina.
There are no other fees or costs. You will receive 100% of your sales.
You may renew your time after 6 months with owner's review and approval.